ROSANI Clean 15 s 4Ah batériou a nabíjačkou
The ROTHENBERGER Sanifresh cleaning spray is particularly suitable for servicing air conditioners. It is used for cleaning evaporators on indoor units of air conditioning systems. The spray is applied onto the affected surface, which are then cleaned of dirt and unpleasant odours. The fine spray tube enables a precise application.
Vybraný variant:ROSANI Clean 15 s 4Ah batériou a nabíjačkou
Objednávkové číslo:1000003178
Vyberte iný variant- Spraying directly onto the affected surface Removes the threat of diseases and allergies Practical and ecologically friendly solution for removing mites, dust, bacteria and spores Removes unpleasant odours, has a pleasant mint smell Spray can with spray nozzle and tube
Grundgerät ROSANI Clean 15
RO BP18/4 - Akku 18V/4,0Ah
RO BC14/36 Ladegerät EU
- HD 17/190 Vysokotlakový čistič s hadicou
- Tryska rotora pre vysokotlakový čistič HD 13/100 - 19/180 B, R1/4"
- Tryska na čistenie potrubia s 5 otvormi s prednou otvorom, R1-4", D=25mm
- Umývacia lanica s plochou tryskou pre HD13/100 - HD 19/180B
- Tryska na čistenie potrubia bez lúča pre HD13/100-19/180 B, R1/4"
- Flexibilná vysokotlaková hadica pre HD čistič Sa1/4, NW8 40m